March 6, 2014

The Doors Are Open!

That's right! I have finally opened a TPT store! Since starting my junior internship in August last year, I have been addicted to TPT and Pinterest. These two websites are incredible "places" for teachers, old and new, to connect and share ideas. I have learned more than I could have ever imagined and I am so thankful for this.

I was actually so inspired by Kayla over at Meet Miss Parker, who definitely doesn't even know my name... But that's beside the point. Anyways, through TPT, I discovered her and quickly followed her on TPT and Instagram. I downloaded some of her products and was so inspired and thought "I could do this too!" I am nowhere near as talented as she or the other teachers I am inspired by, but I hope that one day I can use TPT as a way to supplement the ridiculously low teacher pay :-) Hey, we don't do it for the money! 

As of right now, I only have a few "products" posted, but click here to see what I have and download a freebie or two! The things that I have uploaded are things I created for my internship classroom because the provided curriculum just doesn't have what I need/want! 

I am trying to network and get my name out there so that when I finally am able to create pretty things, they will be seen!

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