August 4, 2014

Goodbye Melbourne, Hello Tampa!

CAUTION: This post contains A LOT of change.

Wow! What a crazy summer it has been (being a teacher, I should probably have a deeper adjective than "crazy" to describe it, but really, "crazy" sums it up). I started this summer thinking, "What am I going to do all summer?" and "Where am I going to live?", and don't forget, "Where am I going to be teaching come August?"

Those questions were answered within the first few days of summer.
While visiting my new nephew in Colorado:
Jaxon Dean, born May 23.
Tim found a job in Tampa! A house too! It all happened within a week! When I returned from Colorado, I moved to Tampa. I also found a job...

Teaching 1st grade!

I keep thinking of my favorite teacher, Mrs. Moncho, who happened to be my first grade teacher. I hope to be the teacher that my students remember when they're twenty-something. 

Here is a sneak peek of my new classroom. I cannot wait to get in and start decorating... and to reveal my first classroom on my blog!

I ran into one of my former second graders yesterday at Target.  With the sweetest eyes she asked, "Miss Chesley, are you my third grade teacher?" Oh. My. Gosh. 

I told her I had moved and she asked if she could come visit and volunteer in my classroom :) 

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  1. Congratulations!! I was just wondering yesterday about where you might be teaching too (wishing it might be at Quest). So glad to hear your wonderful news. Have a terrific first year in 1st grade. I think 1st grade is a universally unforgettable year for students. I'm sure you will stay in the happy memories of your students for many years. You will in Hank's. Best wishes! P.S...Your nephew is adorable. ~Jenn Slotwinski

    1. Aw, thank you Jenn! I miss little Hank. I will always remember him! Please tell him I say hello and I wish him a great school year! Thank you so much for the sweet post, it made my night. I hope you guys will continue to follow me!
